
Showing posts from October, 2022

5 Wonder Plants Are Regarded as Secure Ayurvedic Sugar Medicines

 The Sanskrit word that gives rise to the English name "Ayurveda" means "knowledge of longevity." Ayurveda originated in India, but it has since extended to Sri Lanka, Malaysia, South Africa, Mauritius, Japan, North America, and other places. The goal of Ayurveda is to restore a person's natural equilibrium. Ayurvedic treatments typically involve nutrition, meditation, herbal medicine, detoxification procedures, etc. What Does Ayurveda Say About High Blood Sugar? High blood sugar is known in Ayurveda as Prameh. Every time a medical disease is linked to urinary system abnormalities or kidney malfunction, it falls under Prameh. In Ayurveda, there are a total of 20 subtypes of Prameh. A condition with kapha dosha is known as kaphaj prameh in 10 of them, a condition with pitta dosha is known as pittaj prameh in 6 of them, and a situation with Vata dosha is known as vataj prameh in 4 of them (a condition with Vata dosha). The simplest and most curable variety of pram...